Monday 23 November 2020

X. 1986. DVD.

X. 1986. DVD.
NO. Den unge Jon Gabriel er fotokunstner. Dyktig på sitt område, men hjemløs i omgang med mennesker. Som type, attraktiv nok, men egentlig redd og uten tilhørighet i verden. 13-årige Flora er i mer konkret forstand hjemløs, men nærværende og tilstede i sin kamp for å klare seg. Hun er et barn med en livserfaring alt for stor for hennes unge alder, med en ytre tøffhet og direkthet som står i kontrast til hennes spinkle skikkelse. Slik finner vår fotokunstner seg målbundet i mer enn en forstand når den lille fuglungen av et gatebarn setter sitt blikk på ham og spør om han har et sted å bo. Hun slipper inn til ham, og på sin sære måte gir han henne nærhet. Ikke med ord og væremåter - men med en plakat. Hun vil ikke hete Flora - men Kim. "Kim" skriver han ned med store letrabokstaver på en pappbit - og hun er fortapt i ham.
EN. X is a Norwegian film from 1986. The play was directed by Oddvar Einarson, and starred Bettina Banoun and Jørn Christensen. The film started through the collective Film Group 84, and was completed by Einarson own production company.
X was released on DVD in 2010, with a lengthy interview with the director as extras, exactly this edition is located here.
We meet the photographer John Gabriel in his mid 20ies which coincidentally meets 13 year old Flora, which rather would like to be called Kim. She's a high risk teen going towards a possible drug abusing career, like her sister, and has run off from home and have nowhere to sleep. They start off a love affair due to her need for affection. We soon understand that it's completely OK to the parents that Flora has run off, and John Gabrel finds himself in a difficult choice between following his own or others expressions as a photographing artist.
Director: Oddvar Einarson.
Cast: Bettina Banoun, Jørn Christensen, Sigrid Huun, Hege Schøyen, Casper Evensen, Sven Henriksen, Emil Stang Lund, Trond Lybekk, Ola Solum, Are Storstein.
Norway, 1986.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD X. 1986:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
X. 1986. DVD.
X. 1986. DVD.

Sunday 15 November 2020

Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.

Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.
DK. Skønheden og udyret er en dansk film fra 1983, skrevet og instrueret af Nils Malmros. Den handler om en teenagepiges forhold til sin far og de konflikter, der opstår mellem børn og forældre, når børn bliver voksne. Filmen vandt både en Robert- og en Bodilpris for bedste film.
EN. When Mette and her father are left alone over the Christmas holidays to paint the new nursery the father ends up alone most of the time. The 16-year-old Mette is always off with her friends at the disco or skating, and the father does not mind until he discovers that young Jønne has taken some semi-nude photos of Mette and clearly is intending to go further in their relationship. Suddenly the father starts hanging out with Mette and her friends as they practice winter sports together - and there is hardly anything stranger, or more embarrassing, as far as Mette is concerned. It is clear that father and daughter are heading toward a change in their relationship as both have to adjust to her "growing up."
Director: Nils Malmros.
Cast: Line Arlien-Søborg, Jesper Klein, Carsten Jørgensen, Merete Voldstedlund, Brian Theibel, Eva Gram Schjoldager, Michael Nørgaard, Jan Johansen, Hans Otto Hjort Hansen.
Denmark, 1983.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.

Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.