Sunday 16 October 2016

A Balinese Family. 1952.

A Balinese Family. 1952.
 Старый документальный фильм, один из этнографической серии Character Formation in Different Cultures посвящён исследованию одной балийской семьи. Родители воспитывают троих детей распределяя обязанности и ответственность по уходу за младшими между старшими детьми.
Another anthropological film by Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson that is part of their series "Character Formation in Different Cultures"; a study of a Balinese family showing the way in which father and mother treat the three younger children - the lap baby, the knee baby, and the child nurse.
Режиссёр: Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson.
США, 1952.
Язык: английский, без перевода.
Download A Balinese Family.
A Balinese Family. 1952.
A Balinese Family. 1952.

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