Monday 10 December 2018

Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.

Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.
 Новый фильм известного аргентинского мастера независимого некоммерческого кино Ивана Ноэля. На сей раз некий постапокалиптический трип навеянный "Повелителем мух".
Прошло 8 лет после некоего катаклизма и на планете осталось процентов 10 прежнего населения, все социальные и государственные структуры развалились, кругом лишь хаос и разруха. В пустынной местности обитают две враждующие группы: дети-сироты в полудиком состоянии и взрослые со своими семьями пытающиеся вести хоть какое то хозяйство дабы выжить. Но голод, как говорится, не тётка и поэтому это война, в которой победит самый безумный...
ES. Ocho años después de un cataclismo, la raza humana, de la que sólo ha sobrevivido una de cada diez personas, ha perdido todas sus estructuras sociales. Nuevo proyecto de Iván Noel, parcialmente inspirado en "El señor de las moscas".
EN. What really happens after war or disease eventually wipes out most of humanity? Leaving aside fables of mass zombie invasion, or vigilante groups magically armed with assault weapons: how would humans actually re-group? How would they act when attempting to survive? How indeed would human morality and modern taboos fare in this probable scenario? This daring film will attempt to answer this as realistically as possible, making films like 'Lord of the Flies' look like a family camping trip.
Eight years after a cataclysm and disease ravaged the human race - leaving just one in every ten surviving -, all social structures have crumbled like sand castles. Too few still live for anything to have been reconstructed. All remaining animals have been consumed and no sowing has yet been possible. It is Man at his most basic, destitute level.
Two groups  inhabit the desolate and abandoned land: packs of orphaned children in a feral state, living a nomadic life-style for their safety, and adults (with their offspring), barely surviving any better by living off their meat.
It is a war only the most desperate of the two will win.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Tatiana Gonzales Bozzetto, Joaquin Brizuela, Oscar Mira, Zoe Osan, Emanuel Renzini, Rosana Rossotti, Ismael Stampone, Thiago Stampone.
Argentina, 2018.
Language: Spanish, English.
Subtitles: Spanish, English.
Directors cut, 98 min.
1920x1080 HD
Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.
Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.
Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.
Nine Meals From Chaos / Nueve Comidas Lejos Del Caos. 2018. HD.

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