Monday 22 February 2021

Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.

Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.
A film director goes back to the place where he was born to shoot a film about his father - a resistance hero. The childhood memories prove painful, the meetings with the old friends, who have changed beyond recognition, are a distressing experience. After the director sees how the time has been ruined their lives, he realizes he is never going to make the film about his father...
Director: Kiran Kolarov.
Cast: Stefan Danailov, Nevena Kokanova, Anton Radichev, Viktor Chichov, Stefan Mavrodiyev, Irina Alfyorova, Georgi Staykov, Nikola Todev, Kasiel Noah Asher, Katerina Evro, Martina Vachkova.
Bulgaria, Boyana Film, 1991.
Language: Bulgarian.
Download Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.
Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.


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