Sunday 2 July 2023

初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.

初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.
CN. 噗通入水,愛嘉比湘琪游快了一點,她們是最好的朋 友,但比賽裡只有對手。湘琪的發育比愛嘉慢了一些, 瘦小的她想靠體保生名額繼續升學。女孩迎來初經, 成熟了身體,萌出了心機,友情與妒意分列泳池畔台, 她們在槍響前大口呼吸,哨音後振臂向前,在藍色青 春池水裡誰也無法回頭。
EN. Ai-Jia and Shiang-Chi are best friends but their friendship is going to be tested. With the arrival of menarche in their mature bodies, competition starts and jealousy breeds. They jump in the swimming pool together, striving to win the swimming competition. In the splash of water, who can arrive at her destination first?
Director: 李怡慧 / I-Hui Lee.
Cast: Xiao-Ying Bai, Bao-Hsien Hsieh, Vera Chen, Chia-Sui Chen, I.-Yen Huang, Yung-Hui Chen.
Taiwan, 2019.
Language: Mandarin.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 初潮 / The Menarche. 2019.
初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.
初潮 / The Menarche. 2019. FULL-HD.


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